Dr. Izabel Meister examined the construction of knowledge through social networks supported by data visualisation with recommendations for distance education and pedagogical architecture of virtual teaching and learning environments.
This study was developed during her PhD internship at the Open University KMi under the supervision of Dr Alexandra Okada.
Dr Meister is currently lecturer at the Federal University of São Paulo-UNIFESP, which is an Institution part the Open University of Brazil – UAB.
She holds a master and doctoral degree in Education, Art and Cultural History, BSc in Architecture and Urbanism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (1991) with Specialisation in Communication Theory and Practice of Audiovisual (1998) and BSc in Technology Management and Publishing from United Metropolitan Colleges (2004), São Paulo.
Dr Meister is a research collaborator of COLEARN (OU-UK), researcher of EDUTECHI Group on Education, Technology and Hypermedia (UPM Brazil) and CEMRI Center for the Study of Migration and Intercultural Relations (OU PT).
Dr Daniela Barros, Dr. Alex Mikroyannidis, Dr Suzanne Little and Dr Alexandra Okada
Project Collaboration:
Meister, I.(2014). Terceira margem: o conhecimento nas redes sociais. São Paulo: Ed Mackenzie.
Okada, A., Meister, I., Mikroyannidis, A. and Little, S. (2014) 'Colearning' - Collaborative Open Learning through OER and Social Media, in eds. Alexandra Okada, Collaborative Open Learning through OER and Social Media, 2nd edition, ISBN 9788582270295
Okada, A., Meister, I., Mikroyannidis, A. and Little, S. (2014) Coaprendizagem através de REA e Redes Sociais, in eds. Alexandra Okada, Open Educational Resources and Social Networks, 2nd edition, 9788582270295
Okada, A., Meister, I., Mikroyannidis, A. and Little, S. (2014) Co-aprendizaje atraves de REA y Medios de comunicacion Social, in eds. Alexandra Okada, Open Educational Resources and Social Networks, 933162227, S. Luis: EDUEMA
Okada, A., Meister, I. and Barros, D. (2013) Refletindo sobre avaliação na era da co-aprendizagem e co-investigação, 1st International Conference on Assessment and Technologies in Higher Education - CATES 2013, Portugal
Okada, A., Meister, I., Mikroyannidis, A. and Little, S. (2013) Coaprendizagem através de REA e Mídias Sociais, in eds. Alexandra Okada, Open Educational Resources and Social Networks: colearning and professional development, ISBN 9788582270226, S. Luis: EDUEMA
Okada, A., Meister, I., Mikroyannidis, A. and Little, S. (2013) 'Colearning' - Collaborative Open Learning through OER and Social Media, in eds. Alexandra Okada, Open Educational Resources and Social Networks, ISBN 9788582270226, pp. 368, S. Luis: EDUEMA
Meister, I. P. (2012). A tecitura do conhecimento nas redes sociais: habitat das inteligências coletivas.
Okada, A. and Meister, I. (2012) OpenScout Tool-Library: integrating people, resources and stories, Journal - Contemporary education and technology (IST) - Training for virtual environments: curriculum and educational processes., 1, 2, pp. 86-96
Okada, A., Mikroyannidis, A., Meister, I. and Little, S. (2012) 'Colearning' - Collaborative networks for creating, sharing and reusing OER through social media, Cambridge 2012: Innovation and Impact - Openly Collaborating to Enhance Education, Cambridge, UK
Meister, I., Okada, A. and Mikroyannidis, A. (2012) An OER collaborative environment: Openscout Tool Library and Colearn Community, IADIS International Conference e-Society 2012, Berlin, Germany
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